
Teach Yourself Computer Programming Online

Learn Computer Science

Learn Computer Science

Learn Computer science is a comprehensive online tutorial which will provide you all the resources you need to teach yourself a world class computer science education in computer science .

Learn and master the fundamentals concepts in Computer Science And Programming in a most simplified manner step-by-step.

Specially designed for the absolute beginner , this tutorial will guide you step by step in learning computer science using the best learning practices.

Computer Science Careers Opportunities

Learning Computer science is now considered to be one of the best career option . The career in Computer Science  not only  offers an opportunity to work with some top notch corporate companies but also to work as an entrepreneur.

The Computer Science career also offers you an opportunity to put your career on the fast track with excellent financial rewards .

What is Computer Science ?

In most simple terms , the computer science can defined as  a  branch  of  engineering  science that studies the  technology  and  the principles   of   computer system.

The computer science scope includes  study of computation and computer  technology , computer hardware  and the software.

What is computer science

The computers have now become indispensable part of human word .  It is difficult to imagine any field that does not depend on the applications of computer.  As a result , the computer science professionals are in great demand across the world .

A career in any specific subject of computer science can bring you many opportunities and financial rewards . The computer science jobs are consistently ranking on the top almost in all the reports and surveys for highest payouts and lowest unemployment.

Computer Science Jobs

Computer Science And Job Market

If you are a beginner or you may a student currently exploring a career in computer science . The scope of the computer science is pretty vast and there are many areas or fields options available for research and specialization .

However,Computer science is a interdisciplinary science that spans in both theory and practice. The scope of computer science  is huge  and rapidly evolving due to the advent of new technology .

And therefore , It is important for the student of computer science to have absolute clarity about the  various fields , disciplines , sub-disciplines that exists  in computer science.

Once you have the clarity about various fields of study in computer science , then it would easier for you to make the right decision and  select the fields in computer science that might interest you the most .

The computer science can be broadly split in to two streams . These two streams include Theoretical Computer science and  Applied Computer science .   The Theoretical Computer Science mainly deals with the fundamental theoretical principles and design concepts .

Whereas the Applied Computer Science deals with the practical implementation of these theoretical principles and design concepts in Computer Science.

Theoretical Computer Science

The Applied Computer Science can be further split into three sub-streams and that includes Operating Systems , Intelligent Systems and Application Development .

The students can now earn computer science degrees in many different ways depending upon the individual preferences .

The computer science degrees can be earned either as "Associate Degree" , "Bachelors Degree" And the post graduation  "Masters Degree".

These computer science degrees differ in terms of  mainly duration and the qualification requirements to be eligible for these courses .

The full time "Associate Degree" program usually last for two years , the full time "Associate Degree" program usually last for four years And the "Masters Degree" program for another two years .

However , most Universities and education institutions offer credit points which students can use and earn these degrees earlier than the scheduled duration.

Computer Science Course Online

What Is Academic Credit System ?

University Credit System

An academic credit system ( Also alternately referred as University Credit System )   is a commonly used as standard bench marking tool  by universities to measure and evaluate the students' performance and efforts during their Associate , Bachelor's, Master's or PhD program.

It's important for an international students of computer science to understand how credits reward system works and how the credit points from one academic system are converted into credits from other credit systems.

Read more about academic credit in the U.S.

Computer Science Degree University Credit Points

Computer Science As A Major

If you choose computer science as a major then you have plenty of options later on to choose for your specialization .

You can build your skill set and  specialization either in system architecture or  software application development Or you can develop your expertise in web development . There are plenty of options in computer science to choose from.

Computer Science Career Options

The computer science careers include many interesting options . The scope of computer science is pretty vast and It is understandable that as a beginner , you need not decide at this point of time ,  which stream in computer science will eventually interest you after few years .

Database , Database Design Course , Database Tutorial

Top Computer Science Universities In USA

How To Become Computer Programmer ?


The computer programming is still continues to be the most favored choice for many students. A career in computer programming can be very rewarding and  completely worth the initial efforts and patience, which you need to invest while the learning programming .

If you are committed to put in the initial hard work  then CS is the right career move . Some people might  initially find , Learning computer programming  a bit challenging and difficult . But every programmer has to go through this learning curve  and must overcome these challenges which initially you may have to face.

However, if you want be financially enough rewarded and want to be a part of industry that is rapidly growing,  then you need to be mentally prepared and commit yourself to take this to the logical end .

If you have the right learning strategy in place and follow the best learning practices, then you can easily learn the computer programming  without much difficulty.

Read Detailed Article

Learn To Code . How to Learn Programming

Software Engineering

How To Become Software Developer ?

The software engineering career is one of the most popular and also one of high income  career option for students of Computer Science .

The software engineering is one of the fields of studies in computer science which focuses on the design and development of  software application to meet the organization needs

Software Engineering

Learn Computer Science Online

Web Design And Development

The internet revolution has completely transformed and changed the rules of the game in the field of marketing .

The digital marketing is the new buzzword which makes extensive use of social media platforms to reach the potential customers and now  integral part of every sales marketing plan.

The website is no longer just a online company brochure but a versatile marketing tool which plays an important role in the overall marketing strategy and brand building.

The business corporations are now making a sizable investments in creating digital assets such as websites and web applications .

And therefore , the web design and development knowledge has emerged as a very important skill to gain . The web design and development professionals are in great demand in the job market .

Web Design And Development Course

 The Web design encompasses many professional skills and disciplines such as graphic designing , UI design , Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) , User experience and expertise in web programming languages .

These web design and development skills  are necessary for  the production and maintenance of websites.

The Full Stack Developer is one the most sought after skill set in the job market for computer science students.


Web Design And Development

How To Create A Blog , How To Start A Blog , Blog , Blogging

Learn DBMS Fundamentals

The IT industry today is a multi-billion dollar industry mainly funded by the business corporation. The business corporations critically dependent upon the software applications that  helps to manage  the business operations.

The business corporations are also making huge investments in creating computer based  IT infrastructure to manage all important functions such as sales , finance , inventory , human resources , accounting and customer support.

The Database Management System ( DBMS ) Professionals are in great demand and the DBMS skills are amongst the highest paid professions across  all industries .

The database is the core of almost all software applications and the performance of software system depends upon the performance of the database .

And therefore,  DBMS skills are an important part many Software Engineering jobs including the job as a full stack developer.

The database design and development project is a specialist job which needs expertise in  requirements elicitation , business analysis , process reengineering , data modelling , computer networking , project management , database programming and database query language such as SQL.

Database Management Systems

If you are a student interested in, learning  the complete database design and development step by step  then  this course is for you .

This course will teach you  complete relational database design and development skills. This course also covers the database management system, RDBMS, fundamentals concepts that every database developer must know.

Needless to say , This course comes with 30 day free trial and full money back guarantee as per Udemy policy.

Read More About

Learn RDBMS Course on Udemy

Beginners Database Design Course Online

Learn Computer Science

Computer engineering is an interdisciplinary field of study in computer science that spans across computer science  , electrical engineering and digital electronics .

The computer engineering profession endeavors to innovate and develop the technology  necessary to build smarter , faster and affordable computing platforms . And therefore , the computer engineer has to study and develop skills ,  expertise in many fields .


Computer Engineering

The mobile application development is another fascination and the fastest growing field of study in computer science .

Android software stack platform , which  powers over two billion mobile devices and controls over 82% of the mobile operating system market .

And therefore , the android development professionals are in great demand primarily due to their ever increasing demand . Android app development is also one of highest paid skill set in the job market .

Android is a Linux based open source operating system ( OS ) specially designed for mobile devices  such as smart phones , tablets and other touch screen devices.


Android Development

Android Development

Java is one of the most popular , versatile and widely used programming language . Java is also happens to be the most preferred language for mobile app development especially for android devices .

Java powers over three billion devises . One of the biggest advantage of java is the platform independence which makes it suitable for wide range of applications. The Java programming  skills are essential prerequisite for android development.

Java is said to be platform independent because java program once written can run on any platform as long as that device has Java Run-time Environment ( JRE ) .

Java language is simple , powerful , secure , object oriented and versatile which makes it a perfect choice for creating different types of applications .

The Java continues to be one the top three programming language in year 2020 . The java professionals are in great demand and one of the highest paid professionals in the job market .


Java Programming Basics

Java Programming Basics , Java Tutorial

Learn Computer Science And Programming Fundamentals.

Udemy Online Course

Computer Science Course Online

Computer Science Career Paths


How To Start Learning Computer Science ?

You can start learning Computer Science with a  course  which will teach you important fundamental concepts in Computer Science .

Familiarity with this foundation knowledge  is important rather than straight away jumping in to some skill specific course .

Udemy offers some of the best foundation courses in Computer Science.

Which CS Subject Most Rewarding ?

Computer science scope is pretty vast and includes many subjects .

As you progress further in your career in CS  , you need to build your skill set and expertise in few subjects .

These subjects in CS depends upon your experience and interest . The demand , supply and rewards equation will decide the financial rewards in the  job market .

What is the Job Market For CS ?

There is a huge deficit of trained manpower for different skill sets in Computer Science across the world .
And therefore , Computer science professionals are in great demand .
As per the trends and studies , a career in computer science will be one of the best opportunity and with best financial rewards as compared to any other field.

How to be Self Employed In CS ?

A career in computer science also offers a great opportunity for those who wish to be self employed and work as freelance consultant .

For example , market is booming with assignments for Android Application developers , Database Specialists , Web Developers And many such similar opportunities with excellent financial rewards.

Once you build your specific skill set and expertise in CS , then you can get the assignments on the  platforms like Upwork And Fiverr .

Why Some Students Find CS Difficult ?

Computer Science subjects are technical and full of jargon . It is important to be familiar with the fundamental concepts in Computer science . This will help you logically learn step-By-Step .
It is important to gain foundation knowledge base and then move on to the specific skill set as per your choice.
Students with foundation knowledge base find it relatively much easier to subsequently learn different subjects in computer science.

How Difficult Is Computer Science ?

Most subjects in Computer Science are not difficult . Learning Computer science can be easy If you follow the right learning sequence and study the right study material.

You can explore the online education platforms like Udemy which offers quality content at very reasonable price .

Udemy is the worlds largest eLearning platform

Do I Need to be Good In Maths ?

Most Subjects In Computer Science does not require you to be good in mathematics . Computer Science deals with problem solving . Computer Science needs reasoning and logical thinking.

What is the Job Market in CS ?

There is a huge shortage of skilled manpower in Computer Science related Jobs .
Most Surveys , studies by reliable agencies indicate great demand for computer science professionals.

How Reliable Are Online Courses ?

The eLearning has completely transformed the education industry .

Now the Students can start learning any subject with the help of  reputed eLearning platforms such as Udemy well know for providing quality courses.

Almost all most reputed Universities in the world have started online education  including  Harvard  And Stanford . These courses are available at very reasonable price.

How Expensive Education is in CS ?

With the advent of Online education portals , you can now access quality education in Computer Science from some of the best universities at fraction of cost .
Students can now learn at their own pace and within the comfort of your own place.

Teach Yourself Computer Programming Online


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